Our exclusive technology born of 40 years of expertise in cellular cosmetics

Our objective is to supply your skin’s cells with energy to support skin’s regenerative and protective functions.
Our two key innovations:

Our signature ingredient: CytoPep™

Your skin’s energy source

Peptides and proteins are the heart and soul of cells, the engines of life. Our CytoPep™ are a blend of more than 5,000 different peptides and proteins. They are extracted from cells manufactured in a pharmaceutically accredited biotech laboratory. They strengthen skin functions by interacting with your skin cells, maximising their activity and stimulating the mitochondria – the cells’ energy factories – by increasing their energy production.

Our exclusive method: CellControl™

Guaranteeing CytoPep™ efficacy

For the CytoPep™ extracts to interact most effectively with your skin cells, their delicate structure must be protected while they are being incorporated into our formulas. Our CellControl™ method keeps them in an aqueous, molecule-crowded environment, which is ideal, as their composition is 60% water. A variation in temperature, a change in pH or desiccation – a method used by other brands – could alter their structure and reduce their activity by 70%.

Revitalised, visibly healthy skin with renewed radiance

Once applied to the skin, the CytoPep™ promote cell renewal, strengthen the epidermis, moisturise, ensure antimicrobial defence and improve the barrier function. All these revitalising actions result in springier, well-moisturised skin, encouraging skin’s regeneration and revealing its natural vitality.

Cellular Index (CI)

Innovation Driven by Personalisation

Each of our cellular skincare products has a cellular index (a scale from CI 1 to CI 6), indicating its degree of revitalising power (or the protein concentration of CytoPep™ Cellular Extracts). This varies according to your skin’s physiological age and your exposome (your lifestyle and environment: pollution, UV, temperature variations, smoke).